■Job Description and Requirements

Job Description:

In addition to cooking and customer service, start by learning about shop management, including training part-time workers, sales management and proposing sales promotion plans!

Academic qualifications, number of job changes or blank periods of career does not matter. Previous occupations and working experience does not matter. There is a place where you can learn carefully from scratch. So please rest assured.

<The kind of people we are looking for>
▶Leaders who can influence those around them. Leadership is the skill of being able to involve and influence those around you. The Yanagibashi Sogo Kaihatsu Group has the idea of having people demonstrate these skills in their roles.
The Yanagibashi Sogo Kaihatsu Group defines leadership as a role for everyone.
We will provide you with opportunities for leadership, and I want to work with you for my own development.

Employees are respectfully referred to as ‘associates’.

【Management theme】
Creating wealth together with stakeholders

【Compass points for value creation (Core Value)】
These are the objects to be shared as a Yanagibashi Sogo Kaihatsu associate.

Basic principle For the sake of the overall optimum, abandoning the option that it might be a short-term gain for you. The criteria for all actions should be based on mutual consideration and cooperation.

1. Let's do things that entertain our customers.
2. Embrace change and kaizen(improve)!
3. Create greater results from limited resources.
4. Let's have passion to make decisions.
5. Stay humble.

《This is the point of our company!》

Career Path and Development

◆◇Wide range post-employment career options◇◆

The time it takes to become a manager or head chef ranges from 6 months to 1 year.
Other promotions such as area manager and general manager are also possible.
In addition, there are all kinds of career paths, including buyer/product development, marketer, starting up and incorporating new business, and secondment to other industries.

◆◇Mastering skills to be independent.◆◇

We support you to develop your skills to take on challenges without fear of failure.
There is a human resource development training course called HRD, which allows you to utilise content that is useful for careers both inside and outside of food service, such as personal and management skill development.
For those who want to become independent, this is an environment where you can gain a lot of experience.

◆◇Can develop multiple perspectives and make progress◇◆
In many companies, work is subdivided into various departments and it is not common to be involved in management or administration from the very beginning of your career.
However, everyone in the food business that we develop works from multiple perspectives.

Another attraction of this job is the opportunity to learn and make progress in all elements of company management, including shop development, marketing, product development, cooking and sales.


A number of people from overseas are already working for Yanagibashi Sogokaihatsu.

We would like to show some Interview videos with some of them.

We hope that the following videos provides you a good clue about the Yanagibashi Sogokaihatsu

■Company Profile

  • Founded:

    2 February 2011

  • Capital:


  • Representative:

    Yoshiyuki Mizutani, Representative Director

  • Revenue:

    ¥728,766k (Actual results for FY11/2023)

  • Number of Employees:

    250 (including part-time associates)

  • Business Description:
    Food service

    Developing shops with a wide range of formats, from large restaurants to small shops.
    The core business type is restaurants with a high proportion of alcohol.

    Demand-creating shop development is in practice. Develops and arranges shops in accordance to the location of the opening shops Other franchisee shops are also being developed.

  • Business Premises:

    11 Shops (As of July 2024) and continuing to develop.

  • Company History:


    Yanagibashi Beer Garden opened in May.


    .Meieki 4-chome bar Meiyon opened in April
    (Closed down in March 2014).


    2 shops of Marutoku Fisheries Department.
    (Closed down in 2018).


    Marutoku Fisheries Department Tachikawa Station South Exit branch opened.
    Italian tavern CHIKUSA GRILL opened. (Closed down in March 2017).
    Italian tavern CHIKUSA GRILL opened in June
    (Closed down in March 2023).


    SHIBAURA GRILL opened in September.
    (Closed down in September 2022).


    LDK CAFÉ, I’s café opened.
    (Closed down in October 2017).


    Serious internship ‘Magitan’ started.
    parcheggio opened in October.


    Tavern at the foot of Nagoya Castle SHIROMACHI GRILL opened in March
    (Planned to be closed down in March 2023).


    Senkichi Fushimi branch and Senkichi Wink Aich branch are opened in March.
    Yokohama Takashimaya Beer Garden opened in July.
    Bistro Nagoya opened.


    Kinshachi Lane BBQ terrace Beer Garden opened in May.
    Sunny Orchard Lalaport Togo branch opened in September.


    Meieki 2-chome 3rd Avenue opened in November.


    SWEETS MAGIC Lab. opened in July
    (inside Nanzan University).


    Senkichi Sakae branch opened in December.

Associated company

plan,b Co.,Ltd.

【We welcome such people】

Those wishing to join the uneven Team.
Those whose work philosophy is "Career rather than a job!"
Those able to take responsibility for his/her action to everything.
Those who want to give everything they have and use it as a source of personal growth.
Those who want to realise their own ideas.